[The Montana Professor 23.1, Fall 2012 <http://mtprof.msun.edu>]

Dear Editor:

I must say that I approached the article on "Social Work in Montana and Beyond" by Ryan Knee and Janet Finn rather tentatively, especially wary of social scientese and pretentious jargon. Instead, I read consistently fine expository writing which avoided the usual over-long and parenthetical sentences of the genre and gave the reader a direct style which neither over-simplified the history of its subject nor avoided present-day controversies about methods and presiding ethics. Please relay my appreciation of the lucid comprehensive and candid performance, which ought to serve as a model of its kind in the field.

—Jesse Bier
University of Montana-Missoula

[The Montana Professor 23.1, Fall 2012 <http://mtprof.msun.edu>]

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