Illustrations used in the Spring 2003 issue and their file sizes

Montana's Mission Mountains by R.E. Walton (page 15), 14K
more Mission Mountains by R.E. Walton (page 24), 12K
*even more Mission Mountains by R.E. Walton, 12K
Temple of Zeus in Athens by R.E. Walton (page 26), 11K

Artwork, used by permission
Assiniboine artist by William Standing (page 3), 15K
wild turnip by William Standing (page 14), 4K
lance & tomahawk by Robert F. Morgan (page 9), 8K
tomahawk & quiver by Robert F. Morgan (page 22), 16K

Miscellaneous artwork
world globe (page 4), 7K
Montana's prairie dogs (page 4), 13K

*not in the printed version of The Montana Professor

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