
Request for Information

In order to prepare an article on how various campuses deal with salary inequities, Paul Trout (English, MSU-Bozeman) is asking any faculty member who has had actual experience with campus procedures for hearing complaints about salary inequities to contact him at either 406-994-5197 or 406-587-8406.

Questionnaire Regarding Censorship and Intellectual Freedom

Professor Bruce Goebel (English, MSU-Bozeman) is interested in exploring the question of whether higher education faculty members are experiencing pressure from the left or the right in the selection of textbooks for classroom use. He recognizes that such pressures have often been applied in the public schools but it is not clear whether a similar thing is happening in higher education. Given the long probationary period higher education faculty serve, it may be of special interest to know if probationary (non-tenured) faculty feel their status has been influenced by their selection of textbooks. To gather some data on the question, Professor Goebel has developed a questionnaire which he plans to send to the faculty of the two universities [MSU-Bozeman & UM-Missoula]. The editors of the MP are cooperating with him in this worthy endeavor and we urge those faculty who receive a questionnaire to also cooperate by completing and returning the instrument.

New Board Member

We are pleased to announce the addition of Henry Gonshak to our Publication Review Board. Henry has a B.A. from Vasser and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Denver in English. He is in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Montana Tech, where he teaches composition, creative writing, literature, Shakespearean drama, and a course on the Holocaust. In addition to his work as a board member, Henry has written two book reviews for us. We urge faculty and administration at Tech to contact Henry on any matters dealing with the MP.

Publication Information

The Montana Professor is published three times each academic year by The Faculty Association of Eastern Montana College [MSU-Billings] and the Montana Federation of Teachers. Current circulation is approximately 2600. Editorial office is Ed. 113, Eastern Montana College, Billings, Montana 59101. Phone (406) 657-2124. FAX (406) 657-2051.

Editor: George Madden, Ed Foundations, EMC [MSU-Billings]
Contributing Editor: William Plank, Foreign Lang. and Lit., EMC
Associate Editor: Kathleen Hall, Library, EMC
Associate Editor: JoAnn Meide, Library, EMC

Book Review Editor
Paul Trout, English, MSU [Bozeman]

Publication Review Board
Arthur Coffin, English, MSU
Jack Jelinski, Mod. Lang. and Lit., MSU
William Fisher, Ed. Foundations, UM [Missoula]
Michel Valentin, Mod. Lang. and Lit.,UM
Jeffrey Gritzner, Geography, UM
John Snider, English, NMC [MSU-Northern]
Steve Lockwood, English, NMC
Karl Ulrich, Math/Science/PE, WMC [UM-Western]
O. Alan Weltzien, Humanities/SS, WMC
Elmer Gloss, Biology, Tech [UM-Montana Tech.]
Henry Gonshak, Humanities/SS, Tech

The editors and members of the review board solicit contributions for the next issue. We would like to have them by March 1. We are especially interested in letters, and commentaries dealing with any of the issues currently facing the university system and/or state. If you are interested, contact one of the editors or members of the Publication Review Board.

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