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Vol.5, No.1 Winter 1995

For the Next Issue
New Journal Seeks Contributors

Henry Gonshak, A Furor over Gay and Lesbian Studies
George Madden, In This Case...

Jim Todd, The Crisis of Modernism in "The Last Best Place"
Stanley Coren, When Teaching is Evaluated on Political Grounds
Stanley Coren, Are Student Attributions of Instructor Racism and Sexism on Course Evaluation Forms Valid?
James Edwards, Education, Indoctrination, and the State: Is Public Education Justified?
Jeff Mirel and David Angus, High Standards for All? The Struggle for Equality in the American High School Curriculum, 1890-1990

Arthur B. Coffin, The Essence of Chaos
O. Alan Weltzien, Recovering American Literature
Will Rawn, Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women
Henry Gonshak, A Rebel in Defense of Tradition: The Life and Politics of Dwight Macdonald
Stanford S. Levy, Computer Ethics: Cautionary Tales and Ethical Dilemmas in Computing
Carter Kaplan, The University in Modern Fiction: When Power is Academic
