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Vol.14, No.1 Fall 2003

Editor's Notes


Paul Haber, How the New Right Governs the Last Best Place: Reflections from the 2003 Legislature
Doug Fullerton, The Value of Funding Athletics: Cost is Everything if Value is Nothing
Gary Funk, The Vienna Experience: The Role of the Arts in Liberal Education
Fred McGlynn, Conversations with Carnegie CASE Montana Professors of the Year Esther England and Mehrdad Kia
Clarence Burns, Privatization Revisited: A Review of Forms and Criticisms
Bob Leo & Wayne Van Meter, Hobby Corner: Ham Radio

Book Reviews
Joanne Charbonneau & Richard Rice, Ghosts in the Classroom
William Locke, A New Kind of Science
Michael Reidy & John Gallagher, Lost Discoveries
Henry Gonshak, Teaching Literature
Eric Hastings, Useful Idiots
Philip Gaines, The Chicago Guide to Your Academic Career
Paul Trout, Why do People Hate America?