For the Next Issue:

The editors plan to devote space in the next issue to a discussion of the results of the re-alignment of the Montana University System. The intent is to give faculty members and others an opportunity to appraise the worth of the reorganization. We solicit contributions from anyone who is willing to gather information about and reflections on the topic.

Some questions for consideration might include the following:

  1. Is there any evidence the students on your campus have benefited?

  2. Is there any evidence of financial savings or increased costs?

  3. Is there any evidence of improved efficiency in the operation of your campus or the system?

  4. Has the re-organization assisted your unit in solving any problems that have existed there?

  5. Is there any evidence that professional relations between faculty members have improved?

  6. Is there any evidence students care about the reorganization?

  7. Is there any evidence faculty members care about the reorganization?

Doubtless many other possibilities will occur to our readers.

Contributions can be in any form: letters to the editor, anecdotes, essays, commentaries, articles, or others. Those interested may contact their campus representative (see inside front cover) or the editors. Contributions would need to be in to us by September 15.

Contributors Wanted:

Contributions are solicited for the first issue of a new journal, Terra Nova: Nature and Culture, to be published by the MIT Press in January 1996. Terra Nova will accept pieces that show how environmental issues are at the focus of the general cultural debate of our time. It will include philosophical essays, reportage on environmental disasters and solutions, fiction, poetry, art, and all forms of cultural reflection on the human relationship to nature.

Inquiries and manuscripts may be directed to:

Irene Klaver
Dept. of English and Philosophy
Montana State University-Billings
Billings, MT 59101

or e-mail to


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